What do I mix creatine with?
Creatine is even more effective when taken with simple carbohydrates. This is due to the effect carbohydrates have on insulin release, and the insulin in turn helps muscle cell uptake of creatine. It has been suggested that a formula of roughly 35g of dextrose plus 5g of creatine monohydrate is the optimum for an effect, though this amount may be a little excessive. Studies on a range of athletes from different sports have shown creatine plus carbohydrates to produce better performance than creatine alone (Stout, et al 1997; 1997).
A creatine serving is often preferred in a hot drink (for example tea / coffee) so it dissolves more easily, with a teaspoon of sugar and consume some fruit or fruit juice at the same time. Another idea is to drink your creatine in a hot full sugar cordial drink, like blackcurrant. However do not mix creatine into boiling fluids as creatine is destroyed at very high temperatures, let your drink cool to drinkable temperature before adding the powder.